The Red Balloon Foundation (RBF) was founded in 2021 after my mom died from a ruptured brain aneurysm. At the RBF, we believe that knowledge is power. The more you know about brain aneurysms, the more you can advocate for yourself and others. With a ruptured brain aneurysm, every second counts.
about us.

Susan L. Hicken - April 10, 1949 – December 25, 2018. Over the years, my mom, or Maudie as we called her, was many things - a daughter, a sister, a wife, a mother and a grandmother but above them all, she was my best friend. Growing up in the 50s, she was an avid fan of TV Westerns and SciFi. She loved the Beatles and Elvis. She would laugh until she cried and had a silly sense of humor. She was a single mom to my brother and me. She was generous and kind and a true friend.
our reason for being.
She made amazing Peach Rum Jam and gorgeous stained glass art. She loved horses and kitties and was a great and easy traveler. She drank International Brand Foods French Vanilla Cafe coffee made "special" with some Carolans Irish Cream. The morning her aneurysm ruptured she googled "Top 10 Cruises for 2019." She had more life to live and more love to give. She is missed every day.
our mission.

Our mission is to raise brain aneurysm awareness among the medical community and the public . We aim to do this in the following ways:
Raise awareness regarding the possibility of brain aneurysms being hereditary - if your parent/sibling had a brain aneurysm, your risk is higher.
Raise awareness on the link between high blood pressure and aneurysm rupture.
Raise awareness on the early warning signs of brain aneurysm leak or rupture.
Work to include specific brain aneurysm questions on all medical intake and new patient forms.
The Red Balloon Foundation. All rights reserved.